Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

3 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 12608
Author(s): Karras, Ruth Mazo.
Title : “This Skill in a Woman is By No Means to Be Despised”: Weaving and the Gender Division of Labor in the Middle Ages [Throughout the Middle Ages, cloth production was a respectable and even prestigious occupation for women. Women’s work was often devalued in comparison to that of men, but cloth production had great cultural importance. While women involved in other professions (like brewsters) came to be perceived negatively as their participation in urban and commercial life increased, the respectability of women weavers endured. Men eventually assumed control over the commercial production and trade of cloth in the later Middle Ages, yet the idea of women’s weaving remained an important concept in literary texts and in society as a whole. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Fabrications: Dress, Textiles, Clothwork, and Other Cultural Imaginings.   Edited by E. Jane Burns .   Palgrave, 2004.  Pages 89 - 104.
Year of Publication: 2004.

2. Record Number: 3635
Author(s): Rouhi, Leyla.
Title : Y Otros Treynta Officios: The Definition of a Medieval Women's Work in "Celestina" [the author argues that Celestina is described by others as having several occupations or as having an occupation too difficult to describe; the author suggests that this condition characterizes women's work in general in which many of them had multi-professional activities].
Source: Celestinesca , 22., 2 (Otoño 1998):  Pages 21 - 31.
Year of Publication: 1998.

3. Record Number: 1818
Author(s): Matthews, David.
Title : Reading the Woman Reading : Culture and Commodity in Chrétien's "Pesme Aventure" Episode [argues that the episode disguises the commodification of the daughter at "Pesme Aventure" by the very romance conventions that she highlights in her reading ; the author also argues against a "realistic" reading of the silkworkers' situation].
Source: Forum for Modern Language Studies , 30., 2 ( 1994):  Pages 113 - 123.
Year of Publication: 1994.